Summary Of Main Understanding Of Naturally Being

1. All existence is one ubiquitous Reality.

2. This Reality is the nature of all objects, irrespective of their temporary appearance, including the thoughts and sensations of the mind and body and world, which are all transient appearances defined by time and space.

4. Only what is aware of this Reality can know and experience it directly.

5. Therefore we must be what is aware of the separate metaphors of the mind if we experience them to be real and not a figment of mental imagination.

6. Therefore when we say I Am, it is this Awareness to which we refer, not a transient appearance perceived by the mind.

7. We have no subjective or objective evidence that our Awareness is a function of any appearance of thought and sensation in time and space recognised by the mind, categorised as the mind and body and is therefore dependent on time or space.

8. If any belief that Awareness is bounded in time and space as a temporary appearance and a separated personal capacity is unsustainable, the only other possibility is it can only be a capacity of the one ubiquitous Reality that underlies all things and is not defined by time and space. We do not know it is not this and realise we can choose to act as if we are this.

9. When we examine experience, it becomes clear that we would never know Reality but for the Awareness of it, and we could not be aware of anything unless Awareness itself was real. Therefore, Awareness and Reality are one inseparable Reality.

10. We can conclude that Awareness is a contentless reality that appears in transient forms through the mind's filter.

11. If we ask if Awareness is present directly irrespective of the content of the mind, the answer is always instantly yes.

12. As only Awareness can know the Reality of anything, only Awareness can know of itself.

13. The door to knowing our true nature is then the understanding we are this Aware Reality knowing itself and although the metaphors of the mind are a beautiful representation of this Aware Reality their substance is this Aware Reality. Therefore, everything we perceive is the same Aware Reality we are.

14. This direct knowing of our aware Reality does not involve the human mind. Still, it can be described metaphorically after the event by certain subtle, slightly elusive qualitative markers indicating a presence or as is sometimes referred to, a "something no nothing" experience. Even this subtle mental experience is not the aware Reality itself but simply an after-effect.

15. As we understand, we are this Aware Reality and are aware of it; we are at one with our true nature.

16. The door to this oneness is understanding the above. No practices, formulas, or methods are needed. Indeed, all such things are human-made attempts to approach the absolute reality that is purely natural and does not require any mental human-made method to be at one with itself. This is a natural process.

17. This Oneness is an instant recognition of the permanence and ubiquitous nature of our true nature which is this Aware Reality. This oneness instantly positively affects the mind and body as the mind recognises the security this permanent Aware Reality is always present and never changing.

18. The mental objects of the mind are now fully experienced as the metaphors of the Aware Reality and not separate material objects, thus realising a deep intimacy with the whole Universe as its substance is recognised as the Aware Reality we are.

19. Aware we do not know we are not this one ubiquitous impersonal Aware Reality our minds can give up any remaining grip they have over us that tells us we are not. We can let go into the ultimate psychological security of being it and feeling at one with all things we perceive as beautiful expressions of us.

20. We recognise all thoughts as streams of consciousness of this Aware Reality that follow patterns in concordance with the protection of the vehicle of the mind and body and world as well as inspirations or callings to act to express the life-affirming qualities of the Oneness we understand ourselves to be.

21. We can abide and live from this place of Oneness.

22. We can recognise that separateness comes from any objectification of what we are, which is mental, and we cannot know is true.

23. Should any thoughts trigger anxiety arise, as they do even after this understanding, we can discern if they are arising from such objectification and neutralise them with the logical reasoning that the mind itself needs, that we cannot know that such objectification is true. In this way, we can finally unravel the conditioned fear that defines the ego and become the master of our mind rather than let it master us.

24. We can learn to trust the inspiration of living from this place of Oneness and prove in our experience and ongoing mental satisfaction that this way of living is the natural way to live, and that the Universe is our protective body.

25. We can see that the arena of the world and our daily existence in the human form is an experiment consciously feeling to be this sacred Oneness. We can relearn how to act in an unattached manner in honour of our life-affirming nature as this Aware Reality, weaving a new story of our existence other than one based on egoic fear.

26. Because the mind and body have experienced habitual fear for a long time, may have trauma, and may have developed ingrained habits, healing of the mind and body is recognised as a natural outcome of this understanding. Understanding oneness provides the context for this to happen, combined with additional tools where needed.

27. All the above is recognised as a natural, emergent process, never forced or contrived.


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