As I Awoke Today

As I awoke today, I became aware of the unfathomable yet constant invisible, silent reality I call consciousness was still there.

I remember I am this consciousness.

As I awoke today and looked around, I perceived a magical garden “they” told me is called a world, but it intimately feels and looks like my body and is inseparable from me.

Every form of sound, colour and sense reflects a timeless sacred, beautiful subtlety of this consciousness I am.

As I awoke today, I could see and hear what “they” told me are called other people and living things, but all I could see and hear was myself.

As I awoke today, I noticed that what they told me was my “mind”, which I used to experience having loud dominating thoughts of fear, control, judgement, comparison, and criticism, was clear of all those notions.

Where there were “musts” or “shoulds” were now crystal clear light inspirational thoughts and visions surrounded by beautiful quiet whispering encouraging exciting energy.

As I awoke today, I felt what “they” told me was called my “body”a thought that incited feelings of heaviness, felt light of fear and not dragging of my attention, transparent and with what felt like a smile in its middle.

As I awoke today with these experiences, I realised that what I had called “they” was the consciousness I am, just reminding it of itself, and the concept of “they” vanished like dew in the morning sun.

As I awoke today, I realised “I” had never awoken as I had never been asleep.  

Only this mind and body had woken up within the silent sacred consciousness I am, which has always been awake, and now this body and mind feel its light.




The Invisible Cloak That Could Never Exist


Keep Letting Go