Every Day

Every day, my body wakes up in me.

Sometimes, for a brief moment, she calls out plaintively in some unspoken irrational voice.

"You wake up in me!"

I smile, for I am crystal clear,

And lovingly whisper from my heart to her,

"No, honey. You wake up in me. Rest in me, please. You are safe here and welcome."

She relaxes and smiles back.

Releasing her contractions and letting go of her irrational call

Realising it had no power and was just a faint echo of an old habit, that was all.

Every day, my mind wakes up in me.

Occasionally, for a brief moment, she pours out rather intense thoughts as if I somehow am in trouble.

Of course, she still tries this game a little; bless her, she is only trying her best to protect me,

These thoughts, though not plainly saying it openly, are saying, in effect,

"You wake up in me!"

I smile, for I am crystal clear,

And lovingly whisper from my heart to her,

"No, honey. You wake up in me. Rest in me, please. You are safe here and welcome."

She relaxes and smiles back.

Happily, releasing her contractions and letting go of her thoughts of personalisation,

Realising they had no power and were just a faint echo of her old habit, that was all.

Every day, the world wakes up in me.

Occasionally, for a brief moment, its noise and cacophony of sensations may indicate it is over there, and I am over here as if to say,

"You wake up in me!"

I smile, for I am crystal clear,

And lovingly whisper from my heart to her,

"No, honey. You wake up in me. Rest in me, please. You are safe here and welcome."

She relaxes and smiles back and shows her true beauty to me.

In this way, every day wakes up in me.




Oneness Beings


Oneness With The Body