Leading From The Power Of Wholeness Not The Force Of Will  

As we awaken to our true identity as universal awareness, we realise the reality of our human mind and body, and it becomes even more real to us. We see we are operating in this shape we call a human being. This shape has ways of acting according to its make-up, including its relations to others and the environment. Whilst we are not attached to this shape for our happiness, we are acutely aware of its miraculous nature. It immediately becomes a temple for us. We become aware it has an energetic will that we can use to move around the Universe following thoughts that arise. Identifying as the experience of universal awareness, we have access to an infinite ocean of inextricable qualities that are the source life force of all existence. They are, by definition, life-affirming. We see these qualities, not bodily will, are the ultimate context for our actions. Here we find another world emerges. A world of universal flow that is the very nature of what we are. A world where the fear of not surviving and the forceful will to resolve the discomfort of this fear is replaced with a fearless state of absolute trust in the true emergent nature of the creative flow. From an individual perspective, in this flow, we respond based on the wholeness we understand and feel ourselves to be instead of reacting from fear. We respond to what we know is a sacred, miraculous creative process. 

What was previously mundane ordinariness becomes sacred super-ordinariness. This innate wholeness, the emotionally expectation-less place, is the ground for intelligence to flourish. The intelligence that emerges is itself not the result of a decider. There is no separate individual decider. All thoughts are themselves cosmic events from the creative flow. Only the belief that we are separated from it causes us to forget this and believe there is a separate person deciding these thoughts. In reality, it is simply not true. As we survey our life moment to moment, what appears to us as the thought of an opportunity for action is itself a cosmic event that is part of the overall creative flow. The ideas come; have you noticed? The possibilities emerge; have you seen them? It all just keeps happening. As we let go of the confusing belief of being a separate entity, we can enjoy and trust this flow entirely for its own sake, not for a personal agenda. In the open state, we experience when identifying as awareness, as opposed to the closed state we experience as a person; our minds are naturally more holistic and less narrowed in their thoughts. The belief to be separate is nothing more than the accumulation of such narrow thinking that emerges as we increasingly ignore the experience of our true nature of being awareness. 

Extending these principles to society, leadership, from this perspective, is qualified by any individual's courageous trust in the creative impersonal flow, which arises from their abidance in the experience of awareness. Such leaders act following holistic thinking, as best they can and that which celebrates the life-affirming qualities at the source of all life. (I have written about Holistic thinking in my essay https://www.naturallybeing.one/blog-1/thoughts-on-the-current-culture-of-separateness-and-the-establishment-of-a-holistic-economic-culture-of-oneness). As Krishnamurti points out the etymological roots of the term holistic are what is healthy, sane, and holy (sacred). The complex practical structures they have to manage are seen by such leaders as beautiful supports for life-affirming qualities and are to remain fluid, and they are not attached to narrow outcomes that address only one criterion, such as financial profit. The structures of organisation, finance and legal process are seen for their sacred duty to support the creative flow for its own sake, not for the sake of an imaginary personal agenda of wilful control of events. The characteristic of the thinking that emerges from such leaders is holistic and impersonal. We do not even need to imagine a society based on such leadership; we must let go and trust. A thought that emerges in this author's mind is for more leaders to appear who are abiding as their true selves and who can trust the creative flow of consciousness.  This arises from the abidance as awareness, instead of narrowing down their thought processes, based on fear of survival and trying to control events like King Canute attempted to control the waves.  Instead, opening their thought processes, based on their experience of identifying as universal awareness, to be more holistic and follow what feels loving, true, and beautiful authentically, not superficially.  This is all only possible as we choose to see we can abide as our true nature of the experience of awareness by directly recognising it, not progressively based on the practices laid down by others, but by the direct analysis of our own experience.  In the final analysis, however we get there, the final step is always directly recognising our true nature and the willingness to trust it no matter what.


When The Reality Of “I’ness” Becomes The Illusion Of “me’ness”


The World Is Really Perfect