Naturally Being One On One

Do you recognise and identify as that ever-present aspect of your mind: calm, peaceful, complete, happy, infinite and observing? Here, you will find the unlimited love, courage, and wisdom to heal your pains, build relations based on respect and love, and have the clarity of thought to organise your life to give play to your talents. It is only when you can identify as this aspect of mind that you can also see the experience of your emotions, thoughts and perceptions of the external world are not separate from you but are inextricably linked to you and will always reflect your inner happiness. You will see that all you need to do to live a happy life is constantly remind yourself that your essential natural self is already completely happy and experience this happiness by full recognising it. In otherwords, you do not need to look outside for happiness but remind yourself of your intrinsic happiness and then take unselfish action in the interests of all life to live from this perspective. You do not need to fear your needs will not be met. You do not need to act of insecurity and the need to control.

When you experience this happiness (that arises when you recognise your essential self), you will not find it hard to take 100% responsibility and radically accept your uncomfortable emotions as they are. In so doing, any discomfort will dissolve relatively quickly, and you will feel loved, valued, safe and worthwhile. It is only from this place of oneness with your innate happiness that you can face life fully with no fear and no sense of inadequacy. Here you do not need to fear uncomfortable feelings as they occur for all sorts of reasons, and as you accept them, you will receive any truth that underlies them by being completely open to doing so. This is not an intellectual process but an experiential one.

However, due to the lifelong habits of fear-ridden self-critical and judgemental thinking and the uncomfortable visceral sensations and emotions of anxiety, you may sometimes identify with these instead and think of yourself and small and isolated and separate from life. In this case, you will find your mind filled with negative thoughts, your body filled with uncomfortable sensations, and you will perceive not beauty but threat. At this point, it is vital to learn to spot what is going on quickly. To not get hypnotically entranced by the soap opera unfolding in your mind and body, stand back and remind yourself that your true identity is not this at all but the infinite, eternal happy consciousness that is ever-present. You may employ the power of the human breath to help calm your mind and body as you do this, or indeed other techniques you find helpful, but always remembering first to remind yourself of who you are so that these tools can be used to significant effect. Suppose you are in any doubt about your real identity and honestly believe it to be a small separate person. In that case, you may prove to yourself that this is but an illusory idea as you close your eyes and try to locate this separate person (not to be confused as this person's feelings and thoughts or perceptions). In this way, you can search your body or mind for this definable, discernable separate person, but you will not find it. For, as perplexing as it may seem, it does not exist. All there is are the thoughts, feelings and perceptions arising from the false belief of its existence. Realising this is often enough alone for the uncomfortable thoughts and feelings that arise from this false belief to subside as their root has been removed from your mind.

Initially, you may need to repeat these processes of identifying as your essentially happy nature, seeing the oneness of you and your environment, dissolving unpleasant emotions, and dispelling the illusion of any separate self. There may be some particular tools you can use to do this. However, this way of organising your mind and body will become a subconscious neural habit and a way of life. It need not be turned into a practice as it is a natural understanding of how life is. After all, making something you already are into a practice implies you are not already this happiness and reinforces this false-negative self-judgement. As you experience the happiness, you are already and see its effect in your life in a myriad of ways you will not need reminding so much. You will overflow with natural loving-kindness, joy and gratitude and probably go silent. However, beware. If that old habitual false belief of separation "thinks" it's going to lose the out to happiness, it will fight back in the form of internal doubts and when these fail in the form of challenges from others—nothing to be frightened of, but to be aware of and not surprised by. Often, not understanding our intrinsic happiness, if we have spent a lifetime relying on filling our minds with business and thoughts and relationships, we may find it unusual at first to realise we no longer need to. Inevitably there is a period of readjustment as we align our energies and activities to our essential happiness, not the relative happiness of things.I am currently offering the experience of developing and reinforcing this understanding and experiencing of our innate happiness in 6 private one to one sessions

Please do be in touch if you would like to work with me in this way. Love and best wishes, Freyja


Forget Me Not


Report On Conference at Schumacher College 2011