That Mañana Feeling

When you firmly claim the right to procrastinate
When you feel that to wait is something to celebrate
When you let yourself sink into the warm luxury of giving in 
When you allow in the trojan horse of bliss that is truly just a guilt sin
When the beguiling thought of 'later' winds around in your mind
When distractions are all you can find
When avoidance is such a beautiful dance,
When you desist in handling life's essential resist,
When you find that twinge of anxiety in your heart
When you suddenly feel life creeping from joy into something that will annoy 
When your find your focus meandering to the past and the future and away from the present,
Don't be hard on yourself,
Just smile,
And recall,
How that old familiar uncomfortable feeling of resistance
Is there to guide you back onto your dance
And is really your best friend
In the end.

Freyja Theaker 2018


Limbic Brain

