If Your Children The Mind and Body Feel Anxious

Remember, you are a loving and aware parent. Your mind is akin to an anxious teenager, while your body is akin to a child filled with sensations it's trying to release.

If you're experiencing anxiety, follow these steps:

1. Start by infusing love into the child within (your body). Breathe deeply into your belly and find a comfortable seated position.

2. Reconnect with your inner calm parental self, recognising yourself as the serene, aware space that nurtures both mind and body. Embrace all thoughts and feelings without fixating on any one of them – simply become aware of this tranquil space within.

3. Disregard the "teenage" mind's chatter about the "child's" bodily tension and simply acknowledge these sensations without judgment. Affirm your ability to sit with these feelings indefinitely, if necessary. Visualise describing them in detail to someone else. Remember, they will dissipate in their own time. There's no rush or agenda here. You'll naturally return to a state of inner peace through complete acceptance. Remember that this tension is often triggered by circumstances that the children may feel threaten their needs. This is quite natural.

4. Once the child's body and the teenage mind feel calm, observe if any constructive thoughts arise. These insights often offer practical solutions or guidance.

5. Act upon these constructive thoughts.

6. Strive to avoid allowing excessive tension to accumulate between these sessions. Regular practice can help maintain a sense of ongoing ease and balance.




Removing The Spectacles Of The "Space-Time Self"


The 1, 2, and 3 of Non-Duality And Therapy