Provide Your Children with Their Rightful Life-Affirming Home

Once we consciously become aware of this unbounded conscious reality we are, that is not limited to a single mind and body, we rediscover our natural default life-affirming home. For most individuals, this may be interspersed still with moments when we leave this default home and get lost in the experiences of the mind and body as if they were what we are.   This is like the parent forgetting it's the parent and descending back into adolescence and childhood. There, we find a frightful world of fearfully reacting and trying to control life as if that were possible. Each time this happens, however, it becomes self-evident that such a state is not our true default home and that we do not need to pay attention to the negative stories that our children, the mind and body maybe saying about us. These stories are told in a coded fashion because they want their parent back, that's all. The only way they know how to say it is to create fear by claiming that the self is limited, incomplete, and mortal, expressed in thoughts that intimate this incompleteness in one way or another. It's pretty basic. It's just the children's way of raising the alarm. Once in our default home and assuming the parent position of everything that appears, the children almost instantly feel calm and reassured and get on with their constructive, practical and creative activities. So if you here your children calling out, stop and remind yourself what you are and step back into the natural default home of being the Loving Aware Isness you are. Welcome the children's fears and thoughts with love like any parent would, without getting lost in them. They will soon calm down and tell you everything to get things off their chest. After a while, you will hardly ever leave, and the children can play safely for the majority of the time.




The 1, 2, and 3 of Non-Duality And Therapy


Freedom Not To Be Defined By Anything, Not The Freedom To Do Anything.