The Ultimate Psychotherapist

Our children, both mind and body, have often spent a lifetime feeling alone, inadequate, and hurt, and have all sorts of poignant memories, losses, inexplicable sadness, fear, and defensive angers. Their true parent is the ever-present, always peaceful, always complete, and whole Aware Reality that is beyond personal identification. Even after that is discovered, due to a lifetime of defensiveness, the children of the mind and body will still have their habituated behaviours.

I love this line from Nichiren Daishonin, the 13th-century Buddhist leader: “A fire burns higher when logs are added, and a strong wind makes a kālakula grow larger. The pine tree lives for ten thousand years, and therefore its boughs become bent and twisted.”

The pains and pleasures of the children of the mind and body are part of living certainly, and the best healer is to realise the innate whole indestructible love of being the true parent – The Aware Reality that is beyond personal identification. This is the ultimate psychotherapist. It has the deepest rapport with the children, always facing their fears with love and non-judgementalism and infinite patience and at every turn can offer them safety into which they can release their pain and celebrate, not hide, their beautiful unique foibles and traits.

Here the intervention of the ultimate psychotherapist, beyond just methods, is unbreakable love, and every unpleasant fear and contraction of the children is an opportunity to shine it ever more brightly. Here the children never feel rejected and can open, in their own natural time, as they do so this opening becomes a beautiful moment for the whole Universal Family.




Don´t Mention The S Word


This Happening