This Happening

We are This that inadvertently created the story of I,

And sometimes we fall under its spell,

As unpleasant as this is, it’s all part of the show.

At those moments, we choose to perceive life as “I doing” instead of “This happening”

And stressfully attempt to control instead of going with the flow.


But in reality, we never stop being This,

No matter what the mind may say.

For it has no choice but to admit,

It is not what knows,

And no amount of thinking makes this so.


For it is clear that it can only be This that knows.

And only what knows can know This.

And as this Knowing This recognises itself again,

The unpleasant stress of “I doing” goes.

And love and peace once again prevail.





The Ultimate Psychotherapist


The Mind Recognises Awareness Knows.